Jenny JiangCiel Zhao
Related to Product List (Reports)
This template is for reference only, and is originally based on Jackie Bavaro's advice (co-author of Cracking the PM interview). Feel free to add/delete sections as you see fit.
Value Proposition
- A content sharing channel . 社区(content based)+社交(social network)
- speaker (KOL/podcast/professionals)
- speak (sharing)
- connect
- influence (扩大品牌影响力)
- advertise
- guest
- listen
- connect
- Club
- Room
- private room
- social room (follow host)
- open room
- room created by the club
Why it is popular/Doing well
- 早期VC圈关系链优势,自上而下传播
- 早期用户质量高,邀请制度导致用户相似度强
- Low barrier: easy to join and leave
- 早期policy健全: 邀请制、连坐制
- 名人引流
- 疫情
- simplicity of the product,促进早期engagement
- excellent product design
- 用声音填补的需求还有大量空缺,(喜马拉雅,podcast,得到)
- multitask
- Broaden social reach
Not so Well
- room临时,内容不留存 (是否一定是disadvantage?内容不留存降低了创作的心理压力,促进engagement和整体愉快的氛围)
- 关系链无法沉淀,用户流失到别的平台,e.g.微信
- 无录音功能
- 音质有需改善
- 主持容易被打断
- 运营规则简单,无法承受大陆复杂的知识付费生态
- 信息茧房 (个性化推)
- room size limitation
- speakers repeatedly ans
- wer questions answered before
- room rules/guidance unclear
- mic mute is not smart
Business Perspective
Industry and Competition
What are the competitors? How is the industry evolving in general?
- Competitor
- Podcast (以内容为主)
- Podcast以内容为主;clubhouse以内容+人为主
- Podcast: PGC (Professionally-generated Content); Clubhouse: UGC (User-generated Content)
- Podcast内容篇幅大,创作门槛高;Clubhouse内容篇幅缩小,创作者门槛降低,内容创作成品降低,内容质量降低,“内容平权”
- 递爪
- YY (声网系原YY成员创业)
How does the company monetize the product? (Selling ads? Charge through consumers/enterprise?)
- Not placed monetization yet
- Future monetization
- private club(membership fee)
- Product lunch and AMA
What's their marketing strategy?
- Potential marketing strategy
- marketing channels for event
- information sharing
- entre
- recruiting
- common interests
- Strength
- High quality
- Opportunities
- Endowment from celebrities/KOLs
- Weakness
- Server stability
- Lack of Android users
- Uncertainty in quality
- Threats
- Copycat
- Post-COVID